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E... Q... U... A... R... A...

Day 54

The day was April 30, 1986. By Seth's count, it had been nearly two months. By this point, he had stopped using the car altogether. Somehow the bike felt safer. The same mist which had hung in the air for most of spring now hung in the air today. Everything was brisk and damp, and in spite of all that had happened, Seth felt exhilarated as it passed through his lungs. He now approached the supermarket and casually rested his bike against the brick wall when he slowed to a stop. The automatic door still worked, and as he stepped inside, he drew his bow. The sound of cans clattering in the back of the store distracted him, but as he turned, he soon saw that it was only a raccoon. He wandered the empty aisles, searching for food to bring back to the others. Most of the stuff had gone bad by this point, so it was hard to find something that hadn't yet spoiled. Josh and Minerva were getting tired of instant oatmeal. Before leaving, he checked the traps. One of them was bloodied, but empty. The trap was still intact however-- it seems a stray dog had wandered into it and had gnawed off its own leg to escape.

When he arrived back at the house, Josh was playing basketball in the driveway.
-"Josh, what are you doing out here?"
-"Come on, we haven't seen one of them in three weeks!"
-"It hasn't been that long."
-"How do you know they're not all dead?"
-"You know it's not safe to go over there."
-"How do you know?"
-"Because the guys in the helicopters haven't left yet."
-"And how log are we going to wait until they do?"
-"I think if we're going to have this conversation, we should have it with Minerva in the room."
-"Are we just going to wait forever? Huh?"
-"Just come inside, Josh."

Seth and Minerva sat silently on the couch underneath the house's harsh fluorescent lighting.
-"Are you crying?" Minerva asked.
-"It's only because of the light."
Josh had gone to bed by this point.
-"If something happens... and we can't all make it out... we're going to do it by age. First me, then you, then Josh."
-"Don't talk like that--"
-"No. We need to establish this--  foundation-- ground rule. If only one of us makes it past the barrier, it should be Josh."

Day 7 - SUNDAY

Seth lay down on the edge of the golf course, training his binoculars carefully on the distant light, and shining his flashlight into the dark.
-"It's not safe to be out here this late," prodded Minerva.
-"They gave us the signal. We're supposed to be here. If it wasn't safe, they wouldn't have called."
-"You don't know, though. They could be-- I mean, anything, they could--"
-"Shh! It's started. Okay, I need you to write this down. Okay, the first one is long-short-long. What does it say in the book?"
-"Okay, the next one is short-short."

-"We can't kill them," said Seth, pacing across the living room, "I'm sorry; this ends here."
-"I told you we can't trust these people."
-"From now on, no more messages. We cut off all contact."


The television set flickered in the dark room, as Josh sat holding his blanket close. Seth walked into the room holding a can of tuna.
-"Josh, what are you watching?"
-"This is important," he said, pointing to the screen, "Look at how that one snuck up on him. You've got to work in pairs. Guard each others' rears. We might need these skills to survive."
-"Look, Josh--"
-"If we're going to get through this, we're going to need a lot more guns."
-"No, Josh. After what happened with Mrs. Garner, no more guns, okay?"
-"Then what are we going to use then?"
-"I don't know-- I was thinking I could start learning how to use a bow and arrow."
-"How is that any different?"
-"Look; I found one just earlier today while I was at... the store."
-"You don't even know how to use it."
-"Yeah, but I have one so when I do know how to use it, I'll have something to use."
-"You can't say that this isn't helpful though," said Josh, gesturing towards the zombies on the TV.
-"That's made up stuff, Josh. This is real. I don't think-- I don't think it's appropriate to watch that sort of stuff anymore."
Seth left the room with a sick look on his face. Josh walked over and closed the door, then nervously glanced out the window at the street below.

Day 5 - FRIDAY

Josh and Minerva sat vigilant on the edge of the golf cart while Seth drove down the main road. It was the mid-afternoon, but it felt like dusk, as if the sun had already vanished beneath the horizon and the three of them were just waiting for night to arrive.
-"It still feels... weird," she said, looking out on the empty streets.
-"We're going to be okay," Seth said, "We've just got to stay calm and follow directions."
Overhead, the sound of a distant helicopter could be heard. It grew louder as it came closer and closer, until the noise was almost deafening; then it veered off to the right, over some nearby woods.
-"Where's it going?" shouted Minerva.
-"To the drop point!" retorted Seth, "Here, hold on."
He jerked the steering wheel right and they slowly puttered toward the grove. They stopped at the end of the street and moved into the trees.
-"Stay close, Josh."
-"Don't baby me."
-"If you don't want us to treat you like the little kid, can you at least keep an eye out for us? It's not safe in these trees."
Ahead, they could see a small clearing.
-"There. That's it. That's the drop point," said Seth.
-"There's nothing there."
-"Well, the helicopter is gone, so he must have dropped the package. Everyone, look around, maybe he missed the clearing and it fell in these trees somewhere."
They searched the grove around the clearing, scattering pine needles and wading through deep kudzu to find the package.
-"Here it is! I've found it!" shouted Minerva.
-"Come on, open it up!"
As Seth and Josh ran towards the sound of their voice, they could begin to see the package: a collection of light gray plastic boxes lying beneath a tangle of black rope.
-"Some help," said Minerva.
-"Look, we've got to have patience. This is probably the best they can do right now. It's a complicated situation and they're doing their best to control it..."
-"Hey, we don't need food or supplies or any of that, all right? What we need right now is escape! I just want to be able to fall asleep in a warm bed knowing that I'm safe, and you know what? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to feel that again, not after what--"
-"We can't dwell on what happened, Minerva. Now open the box."
She jerked open the lid to the box, revealing six large cubes of gray, cloudy gelatin.


It was early evening, and the three were walking down an asphalt road that twisted through the farmland which surrounded the town.
-"Okay," said Seth, "So we know about the landmines down by the golf course. But who's to say they've planted them all around, all right? Maybe there's a way out over here. There are at least a dozen roads that lead out of town."
-"I just don't think it's a good idea... I mean, back there, they wouldn't let us get within, like, half a mile of them. No matter which way we go-- no matter how far we go, there will be some sort of barricade."
-"Shh, shh... I think I see something up ahead."
They stepped closer into the field and saw a small congregation of lights in the distance.
-"It's a... camp? Of some sort?" Seth whispered.
-"It could be help," Minerva replied.
Seth pulled out his binoculars. He could see shadows moving between the bonfire and the makeshift tent.
-"Whoever these people are; they're not with the people from the helicopter."
-"Then let's go to them."
-"No. Wait... we know these people... I see them holding rakes... and shovels. There's Mr. Collins. Then there's Ryan's dad... they're wearing... war paint."
-"Seth, none of this makes any sense. What's going on? Are Mom and Dad there?"
Suddenly, a deer emerged from the trees close to the camp. Activity in the camp seemed to freeze... then, in a sudden rush, the men and women lunged towards the deer. It bounded away, not towards the trees, but towards the three children. Seth and his sister backed away into the brush, dragging Josh along with them. The adults predicted the deer's movements with predator instinct, and finally surrounded it. They moved in and began jabbing into it with their shovels and pitchforks and hoes, then suddenly they were feasting on it, eating it raw, digging into it with nothing but their teeth and bare hands. Seth shielded the eyes of his younger brother. Minerva looked away.
-"I don't know if Mom and Dad are with them," whispered Seth, panting heavily, "But I really hope they're not."
-"Look... yesterday... they said that there was a disease," said Minerva.
-"I know. So?"
-"Are they the ones who are sick? Or... is it us? Maybe... they're not letting us out because... they think we're infected? I mean, what if we are infected, how would we know?"
-"Don't worry. It's... it's confusing. I... I can't talk about it like I know anything. But they can't keep us trapped here forever."


As they strolled through the park, they found that everything seemed particularly green and vibrant that day. Colors and smells always seemed heightened after rain.
-"Josh should not be out here," Seth said, "I saw dead bodies yesterday. Dead bodies."
-"We're not going to leave him at home. Someone like Mrs. Garner might show up."
-"Point taken."
They walked on in silence for a brief moment.
-"Look," said Seth, "Whatever is going on, we're-- us-- it's a problem."
-"A problem?"
-"You know what I mean; it... can still kill us."
-"What's the plan, then? Are we going to just... run?"
-"We can't stay in the house anymore. We've got to find out what's going on. I'll go check out the golf course. If anything goes wrong, I'll come running back here."
-"Why can't we stay together?"
-"Because I'm the fastest runner."
-"That makes no sense."
-"If we come across something, I might make it out and you two might not. I don't want that to happen... I... I don't want to live with that."
-"How do you know we'll be any safer than you over here?"
-"Because you'll have the advantage of high ground. See that playground there? Climb up there. You'll be safe. From what I've seen of the victims... I... I don't think these things, whatever they are... I don't think they travel in packs."
Minerva and Josh reluctantly climbed up to the top of the playground.
-"Just one hour!"

An hour later, Seth came back, driving a golf cart.
-"What on earth is that? Where did you get that?"
-"I mean, we can't use the car anymore. Get in. I found something."
Minerva and Josh slid down the fire pole and joined Seth in the golf cart. He began to move it towards the course.
-"So you remember that helicopter from earlier that came flying through?"
-"Yeah, I..."
-"I found out where it landed."
As they moved onto the golf course, Minerva could see the helicopter resting in a sandpit, far way. She could see figures moving, but it was too far away to see who they were or what they were doing. As they drove closer, a noise suddenly filled the air: the loudest noise that any of them had ever heard in their lifetimes; a blaring foghorn screech from some distant siren, but it seemed to come from all directions, as if God himself were shrieking at them.
-"Stop the cart!" screamed Minerva.
-"I can't!" Seth screamed back at her.
They all jumped out of the cart and tumbled down onto the green. The golf cart kept whirring forward, and after continuing about ten or fifteen feet, hit a land mine and exploded. The children stared on in silence.
-"What the fuck was that?" shouted Seth.
-"Well, I guess we're not getting to that helicopter."
From across the field, they could hear a man with a megaphone trying to communicate with them.
-"We can't hear you!" screamed Seth towards the helicopter.
The man with the megaphone stopped talking, and for a moment there was nothing but silence. When the smoke cleared, Seth could see a small blinking light on the other end of the field.
-"What's that?" asked Minerva.
-"It's morse code..." replied Seth.
-"Hold on, there's a book on this, I know it. Let me go home and get it. You keep signaling them."
-"What am I suppose to signal them with?"
-"Just wave your arms up and down. Watch Josh."
-"I'm not going to step on the land mines, idiot," Josh interjected, "I can take care of myself."
-"Look, um... be fast, okay?" said Seth.
Josh looked out towards the helicopter and gazed at the flashing light.
-"E... Q... U...," he began muttering to himself softly, "A... R... A..."


That morning, Seth walked to work, like he did every morning. There was something different, but he couldn't put his finger on it. When he stepped inside, he found the store empty. Shelves had been ransacked. The dead bodies of his coworkers lay scattered on the floor of the back room. He was initially shocked, but eventually gathered himself enough to run home. He slammed the door on his way in.
-"Did Mom and Dad ever come home last night?"
-"I mean, their car is in the driveway..."
-"No... I mean, have you seen them?"
-"Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Make sure Josh is inside the house."
-"Why do I have to take care of Josh?"
-"You're the one that's been home with him all day."
Suddenly the doorbell rang.
-"Don't answer it," whispered Minerva.
Josh walked over to the door and looked through window.
-"It's our neighbor," said Josh, "She may know something."
He opened the door.
-"Hello, Mrs...."
-"Mrs. Garner."
-"Is everything okay?"
-"I was actually just about to ask you the same thing, this morning I woke up and I..."
-"Why don't you come inside?" Josh asked, "Tell us all about it."
Moments later, Mrs. Garner was sitting calmly at the kitchen table sipping coffee.
-"Do you know-- at all-- what happened to our parents?"
-"I haven't seen them at all. It's my husband, you see..."
-"What? What happened?"
Mrs. Garner stood up suddenly.
-"I need to use your phone."
-"Um, are you all right?" Seth asked.
-"No, and I need to use your phone."
-"Yeah, sure... it's right over here..."
Seth led her through the kitchen to the phone that was hanging on the living room wall. He turned around and suddenly noticed that she was smiling oddly, and holding a large kitchen knife.
-"Whoa, where'd you get--"
She lunged for him, and he ducked out of the way, screaming.
Minerva ran into the room to see Mrs. Garner chasing Seth back and forth around the room, making clumsy stabs at him, which he easily dodged.
She immediately runs out of the room and runs back in, holding a gun.
-"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" shouted Seth.
Minerva checked to see if the safety was on, but in attempting to do so, wound up firing the gun, and in a lucky shot, killing Mrs. Garner.
The girl seemed shocked. Frozen in place, speechless.
-"I'll go get some paper towels," murmured Seth, rushing back to the kitchen.


-"I'm bored..." said Seth, "I don't know anyone here."
-"Well, sometimes being bored is good for you," replied his father.
The pool party was hot and crowded, despite it being very early in March.
-"I guess they picked the right day for a pool party," said Mom.
-"Where's your sister?" Dad asked Seth.
-"I don't know. Off somewhere... doing something..."
Seth shrugged and wandered off through the crowd. He had some punch and sat on the couch watching everyone else.
-"Theres, like, no one here our age," commented his sister as she sat down on the couch next to him.
-"Don't you want to go swimming?"
-"Not here."
Josh trudged up and sat on the couch with the two of them.
-"Are you bored, too?" Seth asked him.
Josh nodded and ran his hands through his hair.
-"Something doesn't feel right. Kind of like I've just got to get out of here," mumbled Seth.
-"You brought your own car; why don't you just take us with you?"
-"I'm thinking about it."
In the background, someone collapsed and fell onto the refreshments table. The children stared in his direction.
-"Don't worry; he's fine!" Dad reassured them from the corner.
-"Well; I think I've had enough. Anyone want to grab anything before we head out?"
Josh walked over to the table and grabbed one last piece of cake; while Minerva went to the kitchen to wash her hands.
A few minutes later, they were all outside, heading for the car, when suddenly their parents came rushing out.
-"Don't go!" they shouted.
-"Mom? Dad? What's going on?"
-"Come on, kids, seriously... we... we really need you, just, come on, come on one second, it'll be... it'll be fun... it'll be great."
-"Dad, you're like... really drunk... how did you get so-- I mean, you seemed fine just a moment ago."
-"Son, it's okay, I can take the kids home."
-"Why don't you stay here until you feel better and sober up and everything, and uh, I'll just take Josh and Minerva home. It's getting kind of late anyways, I mean, we've been here for, like, I don't know how many hours?"
-"No, son, wait!"
Seth backed out of the driveway while his mother fished into her purse and started throwing lipstick and other makeup at the car. Some of it smeared on the windows.
-"Are you sure they're gonna be okay?" Minerva asked as they drove away.
-"They'll be fine. It is weird, though. I've never seen them like this," Seth replied, with a concerned tone in his voice.
-"Do you feel bad at all?"
-"They're adults. They can work stuff like this out on their own. Besides, it is late."

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